The Amazing Effects of Body Massage

Body massage is a soothing treatment that can relieve stress, ease tight muscles
and help with pain in the neck and back. But did you know it also has a powerful
effect on the nervous system, slowing down the “fight or flight” response and
increasing feel good neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine certified aromatherapist course, and oxytocin? In
fact, studies show that massage can reduce cortisol levels and increase range of
motion for people with fibromyalgia. It’s even been shown to promote postsurgical
rehabilitation and decrease adhesions and swelling, according to the Associated
Bodywork and Massage Professionals.

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The squeezing, twisting and pulling actions of massage stimulate the lymphatic
system to improve circulation Nila aromatherapy bar, which in turn helps the body eliminate waste
products and deliver nutrients to tissues. In addition, the increased blood flow to
your skin and muscle tissue can enhance flexibility and improve posture by
softening connective tissues.
A good massage can ease headaches by releasing tension in the muscles that
surround and protect your head and scalp. It can also relax the trigger points that
produce many headaches, which can lead to a reduction in migraine attacks and
other forms of chronic headaches. A full-body massage includes a thorough
treatment of key pressure points throughout the body, including the head and neck,
shoulders, upper back, lower back, legs and feet.
When you’re ill, massage can reduce nausea, anxiety and depression. In one clinical
trial, breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy had a reduced incidence of
nausea and vomiting after a massage. This was attributed to a decrease in stress,
mood improvements, feelings of relaxation and a sense that someone cared about

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Your cardiovascular system benefits from massage as well. The squeezing, twisting,
and pulling action of massage causes vasodilation, meaning the blood vessels dilate
to bring in more oxygen. This, in turn, leads to decreased heart rate and blood
pressure. The massage can also improve lymph fluid circulation, which carries
metabolic waste away from the muscle tissue and organs.
While most of us think that the primary function of our blood is to transport oxygen
to our cells, it also carries important minerals and nutrients. This is why the body’s
lymphatic and circulatory systems are so vital to our health. They help remove waste
and toxins from the body and also carry valuable antibodies to your cells.
The squeezing and pushing action of a massage can improve lymph flow, but not as
much as the movement that comes with exercise. This makes regular massage a
great complement to any regular exercise regimen.
A good massage can boost your immune system by helping the body get rid of
inflammatory substances, such as cytokines, which are produced during a stressful
or traumatic event. These inflammatory substances can contribute to chronic
conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, and can even lead to the
formation of tumors. Massage reduces stress, increases relaxation and sleep,
improves circulation, energy and alertness, reduces pain and muscular soreness and

tension, and enhances immunological functions.